CRH Anesthesia – Redesign
CRH Anesthesia is helping address anesthesia service needs at GI surgical centers nationwide. The main reason for the redevelopment was responsiveness and a cleaner user experience across the site. The website is redesigned to best practices – the load time is under 1 sec, faster than 90% of the tested sites according to online metrics. The website is also secure, making sure to utilize SSL encryption and HTTP/2 technologies.
- Website Design
Website Technologies Used
« Back to PortfolioThe careers page has unique user-centered functionality. After users click on the desired state, the page automatically jumps down to the picked state to show all the listed positions. Applying to one of them is just a click away for the user.
On the single event page, a click on the RSVP button will pop up a form on the screen where the user can easily register for the presentation.
The homepage has a fully responsive carousel that autoplays the slides. The video expands when the user clicks on it. Because of the web optimized images, even this page with full banner images is optimized for fast loading.
There are a few call-to-action banners that the website admin can pick to display on the pages. Those are on the bottom of the pages entice users to fill out the forms after they were engaged by the content above it.
The News & Events page is direct, immediately showing what the user needs to know. The featured image of the posts are carefully picked to match the whole company brand.
The website gives access to resources, with a feature to manipulate which will be featured and stickied to the top of the page. Those featured articles also have a star symbol to show the importance.